Project portfolio


Since it's inception in 2017, Agricservice has managed to get involved in various projects in the value chain of plant breeding and genetics as well as seed- and coating-technology. Two important technologies at the access point of the plant-based value chain, when taken into account that all plant genetics arise after a sexual crossing stage followed most likely by propagation through seed. We narrowed our focus to plants as food sources, whereby distinguishing between horticultural, agricultural, pasture and ornamental crops for the professional fresh market, vegetable processing, consumer vegetable markets or growers involved in grass and fodder production for animal feed.

Our subsidiaries identify novel projects and opportunities, some of which disruptive, which after careful due diligence are either investigated further or dropped. Projects which are of interest are supported by Agricservice through various means, through our subsidiaries, partners or know-how but always to the benefit of all stakeholders.  

Investment opportunities are available per project or as a whole. Please contact us for further discussions.

Follow the buttons to the area of interest where you will find some of the projects AgricService is involved in and would allow for additional investment to expand growth and market penetration.